Want To Start a Great Day? Make Time To Prepare Yourself a Great Coffee

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Time, or lack thereof, is probably the main reason why people buy a Keurig or pick up their coffee at the drive-thru. Almost every time I talk about coffee to friends or co-workers, I hear them saying that they like good coffee and the idea of brewing fresh, delicious coffee, but they haven’t got the time. My answer is simple: why don’t you make time to prepare your coffee and enjoy it? I did it years ago and never looked back.

My life is busy too, but I decided to try…

Waiting for my coffee with a French press to be ready while reading

I get it. Like everyone else, my life is busy. I have young children and a very active career. I do not work from home, and like most people, I have a commute. However, every day, with no exception, I grind fresh coffee beans and take the time to make a few espressos or a pour-over or a french press. Then I sip and enjoy my coffee while reading the news or watching a Youtube video about one of my many domains of interest.

I haven’t always done that. Like most people, I used to rush in the morning. Sometimes, I was pulling a shot of espresso quickly and gulping it down while doing something else. One day, when my oldest daughter was still a baby, I decided to wake up 30 minutes early to prepare my coffee and enjoy it without rushing it. I enjoyed the experience. I realized that starting the morning slowly helped me better organize my day and focus on things that I relish before worrying about work or daily life. My coffee routine quickly became my personal quality moment. Usually, I wake up before everyone else and enjoy this quiet moment. By the time my wife and daughters wake up, I am relaxed; I can take the time to prepare them a latte. Then, I get ready to drop my youngest daughter at school and head to the office.

Are you interested in making the best French press? Check out this excellent article.

Learn how to pull your first espresso shots; read more.

A good moment in your day and other benefits

Trust me, I have my share of stressful days, but no matter how bad the day gets, I have the guarantee of that precious calm moment. I usually wake up around 5 AM or before, but the perspective of that quality time makes me happy to jump out of bed.

The 30 minutes I gained in the morning helped me learn woodworking, thanks to the numerous YouTube videos I watched while preparing and sipping my morning cup. I also take the occasion to sketch and design my projects. I can positively say that my love for coffee helped me to build some new skills 🙂

You can share it too

I enjoy that time alone in my example, but that does not need to be the case. You can also enjoy these precious minutes with your loved one(s). Enjoy preparing and sharing a delicious cup of coffee and take it slow to discuss. Share a quality moment before the fast pace of your day kicks in.

Try for yourself

Moka pot pouring
Photo by Beans and Burrs.

If you read this blog, the chances are that you enjoy coffee. Like many of my friends, you probably appreciate brewing good coffee during the weekend or when you can find the time. I am fond of the act of grinding coffee and brewing it; there is something therapeutic about the craft itself. If you are like me and enjoy making a Chemex or preparing a Moka Pot during your weekend, I would encourage you to try it and wake up 30 minutes earlier during your work week and see for yourself if it is for you.

Just a caveat: some grinders can be very loud, and the people in your life may not enjoy the loud whirring sound of the fast burrs if it wakes them up. There are a few solutions to this problem: upgrade your grinder with a quieter model or consider a manual one. Another option, recommended by many enthusiasts from coffee forums, is to muffle the sound of the coffee grinder with a bath towel.

Are you interested in buying a grinder? Check out our article: How to Immediately Improve Your Coffee? Get a Grinder!

The bottom line

If you enjoy a good cup of coffee and the process of crafting it but never do it during your morning routine because of the lack of time, why don’t you try starting your day 15 to 30 minutes earlier? See for yourself if it contributes to beginning a better day. Who knows, maybe you will learn a new skill in the process thanks to the countless resources you can digest nowadays?

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2 thoughts on “Want To Start a Great Day? Make Time To Prepare Yourself a Great Coffee

  1. With the extra time over the holidays, I was able to finally use my Bodum Pour Over using some beans from a local roaster, delicious!

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