The Best 20+ Coffee Gifts Selection for Valentine’s Day 2022

At Beans and Burrs, we only recommend products we would use ourselves, and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.

Are you looking for a Valentine’s Day gift for a coffee-loving beloved? These are our favorite picks for the best coffee-related gifts on Valentine’s Day this year; from new flavors to explore, nice service-ware, or accessories; I am sure your lover will be impressed.

With Valentine’s Day rapidly approaching, it’s time to go shopping. If you are here, let us help you with our 20+ best coffee-related gifts for the lover in your life that will raise a smile on their face every morning. This is not a random list with descriptions copied from random reviews; we will explain precisely why we recommend these items.

Here is our list of 20+ best gifts for St Valentine’s Day in random order:

#1. The AeroPress with a tote bag

Affordable (under $35) and easy-to-use, it makes some of the best coffee without bitterness for the devoted fans.
The AeroPress is probably the most affordable and accessible way to get a coffee at this high-quality level. You can find tons of articles and videos with recipes and methods since it is very versatile. My parents just offered one to my husband for his birthday last year, and he is very impressed with it.

You might want to read this excellent article that we wrote: The AeroPress – easy, affordable, delicious cup of coffee

AeroPress blooming
AeroPress bloom. Photo by Beans and Burrs.

#2. A tamper

Most coffee machines come with a plastic tamper. While it does the job, there is no comparison with a nice heavy one. Not only does it feel better, but you also get more consistent results. Measure the inside of your filter basket to guarantee the proper fit of the tamper. There are hundreds of options, designs, colors at an extensive range of prices. It can be an exceptional gift.

Don’t overthink it at first. Even a cheap tamper on Amazon will make a huge difference compared to the flimsy plastic tool that came with your machine. My current machine came with a decent machined all-aluminum 58mm tamper, but I upgraded it with a heavier 58mm model with a pleasant wenge wood handle. It looks good and feels good, but I prefer a slightly shorter handle. I dream about upgrading to a custom-made Reg Barber.

On Instagram, we received a lot of demands on which tamper we use. Ours is this one (see picture on the right).

You must select one with the correct diameter since espresso machines can use different portafilter sizes depending on the brand.

Coffee Tamper Espresso Press with Tamper Mat. Photo from Amazon.

espresso accessories
Photo by Beans and Burrs.

#3. The Fellow Stagg EKG Variable Temp Kettle

I have a soft spot for a good-looking and well-crafted product. A kettle is typically not an object that elicits any emotion. Still, the first time I saw pictures of the Fellow Stagg kettle, I was intrigued that it was possible to make such a pedestrian object look beautiful. It is a lot for heating water, about $159 ($189 with the wood handle) when you can find a decent electric kettle for a third of that price but for St Valentine’s day, who is counting 😉
We wrote an exquisite article about our baby: “Fellow Kettle, Put Some Luxury in Your Morning Routine.”

Fellow Kettle, black with wooden handle
Fellow Kettle; Photo by Beans and Burrs.

#4. A French press

The French press may sound fancy to many, but in reality, it is one of the most approachable and affordable coffee methods out there. It produces excellent results to let you appreciate tasty fresh coffee beans.
Bodum, a well-known brand for the French press, has all the styles and capacities to please your addiction.

We have the Chambord model but not in copper 😉

You might like our how-to guide: How to Make Your Coffee Look Sophisticated? Get a French Press!

#5. A knock box

A knock box is not the sexiest gift, but it’s mess-free disposal of the espresso puck— a metal or plastic canister with an anti-slip rubber grip that collects coffee grounds.

Breville has a good-looking knock box, but we have a Dreamfarm Grindenstein (red or gray), which works very well.

Knocking down the grounds. Photo by Beans and Burrs.

#6. Coffee cups and saucer

If you are like us, we love coffee cups! Coffee cups make the perfect present for any coffee lover in your life! Having the right cup will make the coffee experience much more enjoyable. Would you like to learn why? Here is our terrific article: Make the Best of Your Coffee With the Perfect Cup!

Then, we wrote a list of our top 6 best coffee cups

  • notNeutral with the iconic LINO coffee cups are our favorite and the most popular collection. The collection offers espresso cups, single or double cappuccino cups, small or large latte cups in 4 colors, and the coffee mug (10, 12, 16 oz) in 12 colors or astonishing patterns!
  • The most famous double wall glass in the Bodum collection is the Pavina®️. The collection offers a 2.5 oz, perfect for an espresso shot. Additionally, they have an 8, 12, or 15 oz double wall glass for everyone’s preference.
  • Illy cappuccino cup
  • Loveramics, the bestseller is the Egg series. The cups are high-quality, thick (suitable for heat retention), well-made, and have perfect glaze and finish.

Read our article if you want more ideas: Top 6 Best Coffee Cups on the Market (in 2021).

#7. A Chemex®

We don’t own a Chemex®, but according to the coffee community, If you are a fan of pour-over coffee, you can elevate your home brewing game with a Chemex® brewer. Furthermore, it has an iconic look and looks good in your kitchen. You can find a Chemex® for just under $50, but you’ll need to buy Chemex® filters too.

#8. A burr grinder

Grinding fresh coffee beans daily is the single best thing you can do to elevate the quality of your morning coffee. One of the best value options is the Solis Scala burr grinder. Compact and capable, it will let you enjoy fresh coffee beans with your coffee drip, pour-over, or french press without breaking the bank. There are many reasons to treat yourself with a burr grinder if you want to enjoy better coffee.

The Capresso Infinity Plus Burr Grinder is another excellent compact option for any coffee brewing method other than espresso.

#9. Ember Mug²

I have always wanted this mug because I (Audrey) am a slow coffee/tea drinker. Ember Mug² is a smart mug that keeps your hot drink at the exact temperature that you want! We know a few people who own one, and they absolutely love it.

#10. Tamping and packing mat

A silicon coffee tamper mat is not the sexiest present, but it’s functional, and your coffee lover will appreciate it every day! We have this Silicon coffee mat (see picture). Great price, and I like that convenient notch to position better the portafilter’s spout.

You might like to read: 7 Essential Accessories That Will Improve Your Espresso Routine

#11. Bodum pour-over carafe

The Bodum’s pour-over is a cheaper alternative to the Chemex® and makes a decadent, pure, and crisp coffee. It is ridiculously cheap and well-designed. I offered one to my husband, and he loves using it.

#12. A bag of specialty coffee or a gift card from your local roaster

Our suggestions: for espresso lovers, Dharma Espresso Blend by Temple Coffee Roasters, Monarch by Onyx Coffee Lab, Chin Up by Stay Golden Coffee Co.

Or be adventurous, try a single origin; Ethiopian coffees are a great way to explore some exciting fruit aromas and flavors that you can detect in a nice cup of coffee; Ethiopian Sidamo by Just Love Coffee. For some chocolate finish notes with a bright taste in the mouth, try this Costa Rican, Girasoles by Just Love Coffee. City of Saints Coffee Roasters features an excellent Colombian coffee, Arturo Volveras.

#13. Hario V60 Drip Coffee Scale and Timer Pour-Over Scale

“Perfect measurements make for a perfect brew.” The perfect gift for pour-over lovers. If your at-home barista wants to make the perfect tasting cup of coffee, time after time, a coffee scale is the ideal tool. The Hario V60 scale is inexpensive, yet it offers everything you need to make a consistent cup of coffee.

#14. World Atlas Of Coffee book

We are big fans of James Hoffman’s YouTube channel. The World Atlas of Coffee is a well-explained book with historical details and tips about coffee tasting, from coffee processing to brewing techniques. And this book could be a nice touch on your coffee table.

#15. Coffee distribution tool

coffee distribution tool evenly spreads espresso coffee grounds in the portafilter by rotating the leveling blades. It helps prepare a flat coffee puck and makes applying even pressure with the tamper easier. A distribution tool’s price can vary from $20 to $160 for the original OCD. Make sure you select one with the correct diameter since espresso machines can use different portafilter sizes depending on the brand.

coffee leveler
Photo by Beans and Burrs.

#16. Bialetti Moka pot

The Moka pot is the iconic Italian coffee maker. The Moka pot is a great and affordable way to make a good-tasting coffee at a low price.
It brews coffee under pressurized water by steam through the coffee grounds. The result is a full-bodied aromatic coffee.
Read more about how to brew with this little piece of Italy.

foamy Moka pot
The Moka Pot – Photo by Beans and Burrs.

#17. Coffee ground stirrer or WDT tool and Espresso dosing funnel

I recently purchased this coffee stirring tool on amazon. It has a lovely wood handle, and it is more pleasant to use, and I get better results than a toothpick. However, it quickly makes a mess, and I strongly advise using a funnel on the portafilter while stirring.
A dosing funnel is a small metal accessory that fits on your portafilter’s rim and helps direct ground coffee to the filter when you grind your coffee. It limits the mess on your countertop and the waste of delicious coffee. Make sure you select a funnel with the correct diameter since espresso machines can use different portafilter sizes depending on the brand.
Those are inexpensive accessories, but dramatically improve your espresso’s quality, whether you use a naked portafilter or not.

coffee stirring tool
Photo by Beans and Burrs.

#18. Pitcher

Here are some suggestions for your barista-lover to level up his latte art skills: Star coffee pitcher is an excellent entry-level pitcher with measurement scales on both sides. Motta Europe pitcher is a classic in the coffee world (high quality with a high price tag).

#19. Flair classic espresso maker

The Flair classic is a manual espresso maker for true espresso lovers. The idea and the design are simple; a single lever to force water through a small, compressed puck of coffee. It’s portable and has a very avant-garde approach. This is simply the best way to make a great espresso under $200.

#20. Milk frother

We don’t own one because we have an Espresso machine, but this little tool could give you the result of a rich, creamy froth in seconds for your cappuccino craves. And look at those unique colors!

#21. A manual grinder

Affordable, and if you don’t mind some manual labor, you can check the Hario Mini Mill Plus; it’s under $40.00. You cannot go wrong, and that can be an excellent option to take with you on camping trips if you NEVER want to compromise on the quality of your coffee, even in the wild.

#22. A cold-brew maker

Dreaming about summertime and a refreshingly delicious cold brew, here is a perfect gift for cold-brew lovers: a cold-brew maker! If you have questions about cold brew, read our excellent article: Cold-Brew Coffee, All Your Questions Answered, and here is the easiest recipe: Simple Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate.

Cold-brew coffee; Photo by Beans and Burrs.

The bottom line

New relationship or old, on a budget or not, finding the perfect gift for the coffee lover in your life can be tricky. This gift list is by no means exhaustive, but it’s a good starting point to show your special someone just how much you care. Your coffee enthusiast will be impressed with these Valentine’s Day gift ideas.

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